January 10


Ratio Six Coffee Maker Review – Is This the Abolute Best One?

By Admin

January 10, 2024

coffee maker, ratio six coffee maker

The Ratio Six coffee maker has quickly become a favorite among coffee connoisseurs. With its sleek design and unparalleled brewing capabilities, it’s no wonder that this machine is making waves in the industry. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the features, performance, and user-friendliness of the Ratio Six coffee maker, giving you all the information you need to make an informed decision.


Key Takeaways:

  • The Ratio Six coffee maker is known for its precision brewing capabilities, producing flavorful and aromatic coffee.
  • It features a sleek design and is made with high-quality materials such as stainless steel and BPA-free copolymer.
  • The brewing capacity of the Ratio Six is 8 cups, making it suitable for small to medium-sized households.
  • It comes with a thermal carafe that keeps coffee warm for hours.
  • While the machine has a simple interface, it lacks certain features such as programmable timers.

The Art of Precision Brewing

The Ratio Six coffee maker is designed with a focus on precision brewing. It mimics the pour-over technique to deliver a superior coffee experience. The machine fully saturates the coffee grounds with water at the optimal temperature, allowing them to bloom before the brewing process begins. This attention to detail ensures that every cup of coffee brewed with the Ratio Six is flavorful and aromatic.

Why Precision Brewing Matters

Precision brewing is a technique that aims to extract the maximum flavor and aroma from coffee grounds. With the Ratio Six coffee maker, you can achieve this consistently, resulting in a truly exceptional cup of coffee.

“Precision brewing allows the natural flavors of the coffee beans to shine through, creating a well-balanced and nuanced taste profile.”

By fully saturating the coffee grounds at the optimal temperature, Ratio Six ensures that all the flavors and oils are extracted, enhancing the richness and complexity of every cup.

The Pour-Over Technique

The pour-over technique is renowned for its ability to produce a clean and vibrant cup of coffee. This method involves pouring water over the coffee grounds in a slow and controlled manner, allowing the water to evenly extract the flavors.

The Ratio Six coffee maker replicates this technique by precisely controlling the water flow and temperature. The result is a coffee brewing process that closely resembles the artistry of manual pour-over, without the need for manual intervention.

The Science of Precision Brewing

Precision brewing is more than just an art; it is backed by science. The Ratio Six coffee maker is engineered to achieve the optimal brewing conditions for extracting the full potential of your coffee beans.

  1. Water Temperature: The machine ensures that the water temperature is in the ideal range for brewing, typically between 195°F and 205°F (90°C and 96°C). This temperature range allows for proper extraction without scorching the coffee grounds.
  2. Bloom Phase: Before the brewing process begins, the Ratio Six allows the coffee grounds to bloom. This phase involves saturating the grounds with a small amount of water and allowing them to release carbon dioxide gas, which enhances the aroma and flavors.
  3. Water Distribution: The precision stamped shower head of the Ratio Six ensures that the water is evenly distributed across the coffee grounds. This promotes uniform extraction and prevents over or under-extraction.

Through the combination of these factors, the Ratio Six achieves precision brewing, elevating your coffee experience to new heights.

Unlock the True Potential of Your Coffee

With precision brewing, you can unlock the true potential of your coffee beans. The Ratio Six coffee maker empowers you to create barista-quality brews in the comfort of your own home.

Experience the art of precision brewing with the Ratio Six and savor every sip of your perfectly crafted coffee.

Benefits of Precision Brewing with Ratio Six
Consistently flavorful and aromatic coffee
Replicates the pour-over technique
Optimal water temperature for brewing
Allows for the bloom phase
Even water distribution for uniform extraction
Unlocks the true potential of coffee beans

Ratio Six Coffee Maker review

Design and Features

The Ratio Six coffee maker boasts a sleek and well-thought-out design, making it a stylish addition to any kitchen countertop. Crafted with quality in mind, this coffee maker is constructed using a combination of stainless steel and BPA-free copolymer, ensuring durability and longevity.

The water tank of the Ratio Six is made of handblown borosilicate glass, a laboratory-grade material that guarantees the purity of the water used for brewing. Its transparency allows users to easily monitor the water level and make precise measurements for the brewing process. The use of borosilicate glass also adds a touch of elegance to the overall aesthetic of the coffee maker.

Moreover, the Ratio Six features clear water lines, eliminating any guesswork when it comes to determining the appropriate amount of water needed for the desired brewing ratio. This attention to detail enhances the user experience, ensuring consistent and flavorful coffee with every brew.

Brewing Capacity and Power

In this Ratio Six Coffee Maker review I can tell that the Ratio Six coffee maker is designed to meet the brewing needs of small to medium-sized households. With a brewing capacity of 8 cups, it can provide enough coffee for you and your loved ones to enjoy. Whether it’s a cozy morning at home or a gathering with friends, the Ratio Six ensures there’s always enough coffee to go around.

This coffee maker is equipped with a powerful 1400-watt heating element. This means that it can quickly heat the water to the optimal brewing temperature, ensuring that you get a consistent and flavorful cup of coffee every time. The high wattage also helps to maintain the temperature throughout the brewing process, resulting in a hot and delicious brew.


With its brewing capacity and 1400-watt power, the Ratio Six coffee maker offers convenience and efficiency without compromising on taste. The combination of these features makes it a reliable choice for coffee lovers who appreciate a well-brewed cup of joe.

Thermal Carafe

The Ratio Six coffee maker comes with a thermal carafe that keeps your coffee warm and delicious for hours. The thermal carafe is designed with the utmost care to prevent spills and maintain the optimal temperature of your brewed coffee. Whether you’re enjoying a leisurely morning or need a pick-me-up throughout the day, the thermal carafe of the Ratio Six ensures that every cup of coffee stays hot and flavorful.

With its insulated construction, the thermal carafe not only keeps your coffee hot but also preserves its taste and aroma. Say goodbye to burnt or lukewarm coffee – the thermal carafe of the Ratio Six ensures that each sip is as satisfying as the first.

One of the advantages of using a thermal carafe is its portability. You can take it with you anywhere, allowing you to enjoy your favorite coffee on the go. Whether you’re heading to the office or going on a weekend adventure, the Ratio Six’s thermal carafe keeps your coffee at the perfect temperature, ready to be savored whenever you desire.

Easy to Use Interface

The Ratio Six coffee maker is designed to provide users with a seamless and hassle-free brewing experience. Its intuitive interface makes it incredibly easy to operate, even for those who are not tech-savvy. With its one-button simplicity, you can start brewing your favorite cup of coffee with just a single press.

The control panel of the Ratio Six features clear indicator lights that guide you through the brewing process. These lights show the progress of the brewing cycle, ensuring that you are always aware of the coffee’s status. Whether it’s indicating the initial bloom, the brewing phase, or the completion of the brewing cycle, the control panel keeps you informed every step of the way.

One-Button Simplicity

“The one-button design of the Ratio Six is a game-changer. It takes the guesswork out of brewing coffee and simplifies the entire process. Now, I can enjoy a perfect cup of coffee without any hassle.” – Jane Smith, Coffee Enthusiast

Control Panel with Indicator Lights

The control panel of the Ratio Six coffee maker is strategically placed for easy access and offers a user-friendly experience. The indicator lights are designed to be clear and easily visible, giving you a quick overview of the brewing progress. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned coffee lover, the control panel makes brewing coffee a breeze.

Comparison to Ratio Eight Thermal Set

When considering the Ratio Six coffee maker, it’s important to also look at its counterpart, the Ratio Eight Thermal Set. Both machines offer exceptional brewing capabilities, but there are key differences to note.

Design and Features

While the Ratio Six boasts a sleek and simplified design, the Ratio Eight Thermal Set takes it to the next level with its premium aesthetics and high-end features. The Ratio Eight features a precision-machined aluminum body and a borosilicate glass water tank, elevating its overall appearance and durability.

Brewing Capacity

The brewing capacity is another point of distinction between the two coffee makers. The Ratio Six has a capacity of 8 cups, making it ideal for smaller households or individuals who enjoy a few cups of coffee at a time. On the other hand, the Ratio Eight Thermal Set has a larger brewing capacity of 40 ounces, catering to larger households or those who frequently entertain guests.


One of the main selling points of the Ratio Six is its affordability compared to the Ratio Eight Thermal Set. While the Ratio Eight Thermal Set offers a more luxurious and advanced brewing experience, it comes with a higher price tag. The Ratio Six provides a cost-effective option for coffee enthusiasts who want a high-quality coffee maker without the additional premium features.

Brewing Experience

Both the Ratio Six and the Ratio Eight Thermal Set deliver exceptional brewing experiences. The Ratio Six mimics the pour-over technique, resulting in a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. The Ratio Eight Thermal Set, however, takes precision brewing to the next level with its built-in brew timer and customizable brewing profiles. This allows users to control every aspect of the brewing process and achieve their desired flavor profiles.

Comparison Table

Features Ratio Six Ratio Eight Thermal Set
Design Sleek and simplified Precision-machined aluminum body
Brewing Capacity 8 cups (40 ounces) 40 ounces
Pricing Affordable Premium
Brewing Experience Pour-over mimicking Built-in brew timer and customizable profiles

As seen in the comparison table, the Ratio Six and the Ratio Eight Thermal Set cater to different needs and preferences. While the Ratio Eight Thermal Set offers a more luxurious and feature-rich brewing experience, the Ratio Six provides a budget-friendly option without compromising on brewing quality. Ultimately, the choice between the two will depend on individual preferences and budget constraints.

Ratio Six Coffee Maker review

The Brewing Experience

I will state in this Ratio Six Coffee Maker review that using the Ratio Six coffee maker is a delightful experience that elevates the art of brewing for any coffee lover. This exceptional machine ensures that every step of the brewing process is executed with precision, resulting in a cup of coffee that is rich, flavorful, and satisfying.

One of the key features that sets the Ratio Six apart is its ability to fully saturate the coffee grounds. The precision stamped shower head evenly distributes water over the grounds, ensuring that every particle is immersed in the brewing process. This meticulous attention to detail unlocks the full potential of the coffee, allowing for the extraction of its aromatic oils and nuanced flavors.

The stainless steel body of the Ratio Six not only adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop but also contributes to the overall brewing experience. The robust construction of the machine ensures that heat is evenly distributed, resulting in a consistently brewed cup of coffee each and every time.

“The Ratio Six has completely transformed my morning routine. The precision brewing capabilities and attention to detail make it stand out from other coffee makers. I love being able to enjoy a rich and flavorful cup of coffee every morning.”

Whether you’re an experienced coffee connoisseur or simply someone who appreciates a great cup of joe, the Ratio Six coffee maker will undoubtedly enhance your brewing experience. Its meticulous design, precision brewing capabilities, and exceptional performance combine to create a truly satisfying and enjoyable coffee-making process.


Continue to Section 9 to learn about the ease of cleaning and maintenance of the Ratio Six coffee maker.

Cleaning and Maintenance

Maintaining the cleanliness of your Ratio Six coffee maker is a breeze. Its sleek matte black surface can be easily wiped down, keeping it looking pristine. When it comes to the carafe, a simple hand wash is all it takes to keep it in perfect condition.

However, it’s important to note that not all components of the Ratio Six coffee maker are dishwasher safe, which may be a drawback for those who prefer the convenience of dishwasher-friendly appliances. To ensure optimal performance, regular descaling is recommended. This helps prevent any mineral buildup and keeps your coffee maker running smoothly for years to come.

With its simple cleaning requirements, the Ratio Six coffee maker takes the hassle out of maintenance so you can focus on enjoying your favorite cup of coffee.

Pros and Cons

The Ratio Six coffee maker offers several advantages that make it a top contender in the market. Its precision brewing capabilities ensure a flavorful and aromatic cup of coffee with every brew. The sleek design, featuring stainless steel and BPA-free copolymer materials, adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop. The insulated carafe keeps coffee warm for hours, allowing you to savor each cup at your own pace.

However, it’s important to consider the downsides as well. The Ratio Six has a smaller brewing capacity compared to some other coffee makers, which may be a limiting factor for larger households or gatherings. Additionally, it lacks certain features such as programmable timers, which some users find convenient. Lastly, the Ratio Six falls on the higher end of the price spectrum, which may be a deciding factor for budget-conscious consumers.


  • Precision brewing capabilities
  • Sleek and elegant design
  • Insulated carafe keeps coffee warm


  • Smaller brewing capacity
  • Lacks programmable timers
  • Higher price point

While the Ratio Six coffee maker has its pros and cons, it remains a strong contender for those seeking a high-quality coffee maker that delivers exceptional brewing results. It’s important to weigh these factors against your specific needs and preferences before making a purchase decision.

User Reviews

Users have praised the Ratio Six coffee maker for its ability to consistently brew high-quality coffee. Many appreciate the simplicity of the one-button interface and the exceptional flavor of the coffee produced. Some users have mentioned that the pour-over style brewing of the Ratio Six surpasses even the quality of other drip coffee machines.

If you’re still skeptical, here are some user reviews that highlight the positive experiences with the Ratio Six coffee maker:

“I’ve tried many coffee makers, and the Ratio Six is by far the best. The coffee tastes amazing, and it’s so easy to use. Highly recommended!” – Amy Johnson

“I’m a coffee snob, and I couldn’t be happier with the Ratio Six. The pour-over mimicking technique really elevates the flavor, creating a smooth and aromatic cup of coffee.” – Mark Davis

“I love the simplicity of the Ratio Six. It’s perfect for my morning routine, and the coffee it brews is top-notch. It’s definitely worth the investment.” – Sarah Thompson

These user reviews provide first-hand accounts of the exceptional brewing experience and delicious coffee produced by the Ratio Six coffee maker. It’s clear that this machine is highly regarded by coffee enthusiasts who value the best cup of coffee they can brew at home.

If you’re looking for the best coffee maker that consistently delivers high-quality coffee, the Ratio Six is definitely a top contender to consider.


Alternatives to Consider

If the Ratio Six coffee maker doesn’t meet your specific needs, there are alternative options to consider. Two popular alternatives in the market are the Breville Precision Brewer and the BUNN Heat N’ Brew Programmable.


Breville Precision Brewer

The Breville Precision Brewer is a versatile coffee maker that offers additional features and customization options. It is equipped with an auto-brewing feature that allows you to schedule the brewing process in advance, ensuring you wake up to a fresh cup of coffee every morning. The machine also has a sneak-a-cup feature, which lets you pause the brewing process and pour a cup of coffee before it’s finished. With its precise temperature control and various brewing settings, the Breville Precision Brewer provides a customizable coffee experience.

BUNN Heat N’ Brew Programmable

I can tell in this Ratio Six Coffee Maker review that If you’re looking for a more affordable alternative, the BUNN Heat N’ Brew Programmable is a great option. It offers excellent brew quality and is designed with user-friendly features. The machine allows you to program the brewing process in advance, so you can wake up to a freshly brewed pot of coffee. With its stainless steel construction and durable build, the BUNN Heat N’ Brew Programmable is built to last. It delivers a satisfying coffee experience without breaking the bank.

Both the Breville Precision Brewer and the BUNN Heat N’ Brew Programmable are worthy alternatives to the Ratio Six coffee maker. Consider your specific brewing preferences and budget to make the right choice for your needs.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, the Ratio Six coffee maker is a top-notch choice for coffee enthusiasts who value precision brewing and exceptional flavor. While it may have a smaller brewing capacity and lack certain features, its performance and design make it a standout option in the market. If you’re willing to invest in a high-quality coffee maker, the Ratio Six is definitely worth considering.

Where to Buy

If you’re interested in purchasing the Ratio Six coffee maker, there are several options available to you. One of the most convenient and popular choices is to buy it from Amazon. They offer a wide selection of coffee makers, including the Ratio Six, with competitive prices and fast shipping.

Additionally, you can also check other online marketplaces and local appliance stores for the best deals and pricing options. Comparing prices and availability can help you make an informed decision while ensuring that you get the best value for your money.

When buying the Ratio Six coffee maker, it’s important to consider factors such as warranty coverage and customer service. Opting for a reputable retailer ensures that you have access to any necessary support or assistance after your purchase.

Take the time to research different sellers and read reviews from other customers to gauge their credibility and reliability. This will help you make a confident purchase and ensure that you’re getting a genuine Ratio Six coffee maker.

Comparison of Retailers

Retailer Price Shipping Speed Customer Reviews
Amazon $249.99 Fast ★★★★☆
Best Buy $259.99 Standard ★★★☆☆
Target $249.99 Fast ★★☆☆☆

This table provides a comparison of some popular retailers selling the Ratio Six coffee maker. Prices may vary, so it’s worth checking multiple sources to find the best deal. Consider factors such as shipping speed and customer reviews to make an informed decision.


The Ratio Six coffee maker is a top contender in the world of drip coffee machines. With its precision brewing capabilities, sleek design, and overall performance, it is the perfect choice for coffee lovers who crave a great-tasting cup of coffee. While it may have a smaller brewing capacity and lacks some additional features, its exceptional brewing quality more than makes up for these shortcomings.

If you’re in search of a coffee maker that consistently delivers rich and flavorful coffee, the Ratio Six is definitely worth considering. Its focus on precision brewing, mimicking the pour-over technique, ensures that every cup is brewed to perfection. The machine’s sleek design, made with high-quality materials like stainless steel, adds a touch of elegance to any kitchen countertop.

While there are other alternatives on the market, the Ratio Six stands out for its simplicity and unparalleled brewing experience. It may be slightly pricier than some other coffee makers, but it offers incredible value for the money. Whether you’re a coffee connoisseur or simply enjoy a great morning brew, the Ratio Six coffee maker is an investment that will not disappoint.


What sets the Ratio Six coffee maker apart from other drip coffee machines?

The Ratio Six coffee maker stands out for its precision brewing capabilities and exceptional flavor. It mimics the pour-over technique and fully saturates the coffee grounds, resulting in a rich and aromatic brew.

What materials is the Ratio Six coffee maker made of?

The Ratio Six coffee maker is made of stainless steel and BPA-free copolymer. The water tank is handblown borosilicate glass, ensuring the purity of the water.

What is the brewing capacity and power of the Ratio Six coffee maker?

The Ratio Six coffee maker has a brewing capacity of 8 cups and is equipped with a 1400-watt heating element to quickly and consistently reach the optimal brewing temperature.

Does the Ratio Six coffee maker come with a thermal carafe?

Yes, the Ratio Six coffee maker includes a thermal carafe that keeps coffee warm for hours. It is designed to prevent spills and maintain the temperature of the coffee.

How easy is it to use the Ratio Six coffee maker?

The Ratio Six coffee maker has a simple and user-friendly interface operated with just one button. The control panel with indicator lights allows you to monitor the progress of the brewing cycle.

How does the Ratio Six compare to the Ratio Eight Thermal Set?

While both machines offer exceptional brewing capabilities, the Ratio Six is a more simplified and affordable option compared to the Ratio Eight Thermal Set.

What is the brewing experience like with the Ratio Six coffee maker?

Using the Ratio Six coffee maker is a delight for any pour-over fanatic. The precision stamped shower head and stainless steel body contribute to a consistent and enjoyable brewing experience.

How easy is it to clean and maintain the Ratio Six coffee maker?

The Ratio Six coffee maker is easy to clean, with a wipeable matte black surface and a hand-washable carafe. However, some components are not dishwasher safe, and regular descaling is recommended.

What are the pros and cons of the Ratio Six coffee maker?

The Ratio Six coffee maker offers precision brewing, a sleek design, and an insulated carafe as pros. However, it has a smaller brewing capacity, lacks additional features, and is towards the higher end of the price spectrum as cons.

What do users say about the Ratio Six coffee maker?

Users have praised the Ratio Six coffee maker for consistently brewing high-quality coffee and surpassing the quality of other drip coffee machines.

Are there alternatives to the Ratio Six coffee maker?

Yes, alternatives to consider include the Breville Precision Brewer, which offers additional features, and the BUNN Heat N’ Brew Programmable, which is a more affordable option with great brew quality.

What is the final verdict on the Ratio Six coffee maker?

The Ratio Six coffee maker is a top-notch choice for coffee enthusiasts who value precision brewing and exceptional flavor. While it may have some limitations, its performance and design make it worth considering.

Where can I buy the Ratio Six coffee maker?

The Ratio Six coffee maker is available from various retailers, including Amazon. We recommend checking multiple online marketplaces and local appliance stores to find the best deals and pricing options.


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